All about Fashion & Life.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Inspired-Much ?

There are a lot of things / people that inspire someone. Everyone has some or the other inspiration that leads them to do something or become something in life. Inspiration doesn’t mean to copy anyone. Its just that little something or someone that makes life better, easier and truly different!

There are number of things and people that truly inspire me:

   1-   Confidence : "Personality begins where comparison ends"– Karl Lagerfeld.

   2- Fantasy : Reality depresses me , find your own fantasy world :)  

3- Audrey Hepburn & Marilyn Monroe : The two most inspirational, fashionable and timeless beauties.

4- Paris : The city of fashion, love , dreams.

5 - Lady Gaga : The most fashion forward and independent ladies of all times. Be who you are , cause you were BORN THIS WAY!

My 5 top-most inspirational people/things!
 Write to me about what or who inspires you the most! :)

Androgynous lovers, look forward for the next post !
Until then ,
Kisses x


  1. I thought hard as to what can I say to this...

    I decided I'll just call it AWESOME B) :D

    Mad one salttt :*

  2. Lady Gaga, well...what can we say about her, ive read so much about her life, and all we can say is she symbolizes strength, after being through so much in life and still being able to smile everywhere she goes, is something people should learn, i mean there are people who have gone through a hard time in life, but the real battle is when you actually learn how to smile during your worst times, it is very easy to blame it all on your past or your luck...but you can say ure strong only when you learn to live through it all! she is truly inspiring. :)

  3. short and sweet ! Amazing one =)

  4. Thank You Andy , i'm glad you liked it :)

  5. Yes ruhi , i completely agree. She is a true inspiration in every way :)

  6. Thank You Krishika , hoping to see you follow :)

  7. Love!:)
    Waiting for your next post! Please can you personally notify me once you post it? :*

  8. the list is a very obvious reflector of your personality... STRONG MINDED =)

    LOTS OF LOVE. =*

  9. Thank you , yes it very much is !

    Hoping to see you follow :)

    muah x
